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Think Spring!
The day after the storm
The garden is heavy with snow
We wait for the early dawn of the third day
When the snow will melt in the light of the sun,
And the burden of yesterday
Will melt in the ground
On which we will build tomorrow.
In unity we find diversity. However in diversity we do not find unity. Take a good garden on a sunny day. Everything seems to be related although everything is so diverse. Take a bad garden on a dark day. Weeds are everywhere and there is no feeling of relationship.
Take the peace movement in the USA and in Milwaukee. A leader in the local peace movement recently told me there were 31 diverse causes in the movement. Each cause has its proponents and they come together occasionally to support each other but they all have a different cause as their priority. What would happen if all the groups represented the 31 causes would come together unified on one of the 31 causes, any one of them, as a priority. The power of one would stand strong and perhaps could win the day on that cause and move on to another one of the list of now 30. But that is not how it works. Good persons spread themselves around as much as possible on a number of good causes and the diversity overcomes the power of the one. The power of one is splintered instead of unified as one.
Today is the day for many Christians in between the death on the cross of Jesus and the victory over evil of the Resurrection. The power of the cross is that one person, unknown at the time to most of world, died a horrible death on a cross, the symbol of violence, in an occupied country of no great significance. From this single death of this rejected person rose a life force that has traveled the world and conquered many a heart and mine. The death of one person bound us together. From the one rose the many.
Cosmology teaches us that from a single point came the entire universe in all its diversity. Some would say that we are expanding and converging back to one. From one seed comes generations of plants and seeds. Islam, Christianity and Judaism all proclaim one God from which every comes and every returns. Why do we seek to divide people with war, words and violence? Yes diversity in life, just like in a garden, is good but only when it derives from unity not more diversity.