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Hare, Hair and Air
Children’s Story Coming Soon

You probably have heard of TLC (Tender Loving Care) or TMI (Too Much Information), something, believe or not, I have been accused of, but now , on this first full day of spring, we have a new term, TMS. TMS stands for Too Much Snow. With the 14 inches of snow we are having now, this year season will be in 2nd place for record snowfalls. Usually I downplay the predictions of snow. The weatherman always seems to overestimate. However, not today. Spring has come in with a major snowfall.

For the Home Model Growing Power Garden this means a number of things. The soil below the mounds will be rich in moisture this year. Also it means that I will need to start more plants inside, since it might be some time before this snow melts and the home made soil around the yard is workable. It means that I need to extend the down sprouts away from the house since I can not yet put in the rain barrels. So there will be more growing inside the sunroom and more waiting to grow outside.

Today I was going to go over to our DMZ compost pile by Dawn’s houses with bags of coffee grounds I collected in the winter. I was going to mix it with wood chips we have there to build up our compost piles. We need much more compost for the mounds in the community garden we are building in the neighborhood. Now we will be more dependent on Growing Power giving us some good compost for the mounds. They have big mounds of it they sell. We cannot afford it but we need it.

I carefully drove this morning to Fond du lac to meet my son and his wife to deliver the grandchildren. Where they live up north there is no snow, but traveling north the children and I observed six big semis, along with lots of cars, that had gone off the road. I noticed that my focus on driving actually increases when the road conditions are so bad and there is a lot of noise and action in the car. I guess that is part of my crisis-oriented self: the tougher things get the more focus I get. That is probably one reason I do not work on Growing as much as I should. In growing there seldom seems to be a crisis.

The snow on top of the worm depository mound is so high it almost reaches the top of the six or seven foot fence in back of the yard. A picture of this will need to wait ‘till tomorrow when I again go out to shovel the Too Much Snow. (TMS).



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