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Wait Is Over

A good part of my day, about 6 hours, was spent driving a friend to a hospital and a family member to an appointment, both health related. Although these types of experiences are time consuming there is a reward, since the hour or so while they were in the hospital or clinic I spent waiting, reading, watching TV (like Marquette’s NCAA basketball game today) or just resting. Learning how to wait is fortunately something I figured out a while back and has been helpful in life. You can do a lot or nothing while waiting and still be refreshed. Gardening also involves a lot of waiting. One waits for the right time to plant the seed, waits for the seed to grow, waits for the time to care for the plant and waits for the time to harvest the fruit of the plant. Life, like gardening, involves a lot of waiting: we wait to grow up, and we wait to die, and we wait to rise again.

Tomorrow is Good Friday when Christians remember the death of Jesus, and Sunday is Easter when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Saturday, the day in between Good Friday and Easter, is for me the holy day of waiting. Jesus is in the tomb and we wait to see what will happen.

In some countries, like Guatemala, Good Friday is the big day. The Christians of Guatemala can really identify with the suffering, persecution and death of Jesus. In other countries, like Russia, Easter is the major day when we celebrate the central event of our faith, Jesus rose from the dead. However, for most of us, especially here in America, waiting like on Saturday is the common experience we can identify with.

In the USA the poorer you are the more you wait. I can remember the longest waits being for people trying to get some type of assistance or people trying to get into free health clinic or even shelters. The say the wait for a seriously ill person to get into the county mental health hospital is 56 hours, although the persons may be seriously sick and need immediate attention. A friend of mine explained to my son once that money shortens the wait. He said if you and I want something we must wait till we have earned and saved the money to purchase it. The rich person just goes out and buys it.

In outdoor growing organic food, money does not speed growth or shorten the wait. A rich person and a poor person can plant the same type of seed in the same soil, in the same space, and will need to wait the same amount of time for the seed to grow.

Tomorrow I return my three grandchildren to their parents. Although they tired us out, we cannot wait to see them again … but we can wait.



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