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Driving Miss Carolee

Driving my three grandchildren around Milwaukee today I noticed how much expression and information my granddaughter has learned from her big brother and parents. When it was her turn in the car to make the rest of us laugh, last person who does not speak out wins, she was repeating many of the same humorous things her brother and I had said. Having heard them before, her brothers did not laugh. Finally in frustration she said, “You can laugh now” and they both starting laughing. At her next turn she did the same thing, repeating what they said and finally saying “you can laugh now.” However, this time they did not laugh. Children, like teens and adults, like to be like everyone else, especially persons they feel close to. Children, like adults, do not like to offend. When they do so, even though it may not be on purpose, they are upset. They like to please, and imitation is the best form of flattery.

The message of most faiths and of nature is just the opposite. Instead of pleasing others we are told to “Be Not Afraid”, to “Do the Right Thing” and to “practice what we preach”. In nature, plants and animals just be who they are and do not try to please others. A worm doesn’t think and therefore does act in a way to please others. Others may depend on its survival but that does not enter into the actions of a worm. I pray for my grandchildren that they, like creatures in nature, will be all they can be and not worry what others may think or say. In my older grandchildren I see some of the fearlessness, to be true to self, slipping away. However, I do see a lot of creative imagination left that can be encouraged and engaged. Driving Ms. Carolee can be an exciting adventure.

Tomorrow the Diary of the Worm, in honor of and care for our grandchildren, will take a rest. You can take the opportunity to visit their home page Graf Kids to refresh the child in all of us.



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