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Many children have visited Growing Power or have been involved in the growing power style of gardening and really like it. Witness the success of Growing Power with school children in Chicago and Milwaukee. I need to think tonight of the reasons Why children like Growing Power, since tomorrow afternoon Dawn, Marna and I are visiting with the principal of the elementary school across from our DMZ garden. Here are some of the reasons that I have come up with.
Children love the idea of waste materials, like banana peels and leaves becoming fertile soil for growing. When I do my Uncle Bob’s GP Magic Show, the magic is just speeding up the time-line from collecting waste to growing good food to eat. When I speed up the progress from waste to compost, worm enrichment to “black gold” soil to food, children are amazed. Some schools use their lunch-room waste to make compost.
Children, especially city kids, like worms. I remember once, when we had a cottage on a lake, digging for worms with some children from Chicago. The digging for worms was more fun for them than even the fishing. When I first took my grandsons on a tour of Growing Power headquarters on Silver Spring they were bored until we got to the worms. Once they starting digging in the worms they were excited and the rest of the tour they were right up front with Will Allen (They also like the eating part of the tour, which is encouraged). I remember once, after the tour, my grandson came to my house in the summer. The first thing he did was head for the garden to go around tasting the various plants.
This brings me to one of the big reasons children like this style of gardening. Results, especially, with some plants like greens, are quick. They can make the soil, plant, and a short time eat the delicious healthy food they made. Eating the results is a winner with kids, even when it is healthful food.
Children are innocent and not so educated as teens or adults. This makes them more open to nature since they do not have as many preconceived ideas as adults. Without as many filters, they can see the beauty of nature more clearly. A dandelion might look beautiful to them until they are told it is a weed to be rejected. Children are naturally inquisitive and like mystery. Nature offers a lot of questions and mystery. Now, if we can convince this adult why children love growing power, we will have some good hands digging in the DMZ garden.