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Salad Greens in GP Box Today
Checking the lettuce greens in the GP box today, I noticed it is time to cut, eat and grow. After I cut these greens I may need to plant some more since they have been cut and eaten and grown again several times. Certainly the conditions for growing salad greens in the sunroom is just right. It is 19 degrees outside but 65 inside. In fact it is nearly 80 degrees in the container that was just planted with basil seeds. All this warmth is due to the sun and AIR. Someone pointed out to me the other day that sun and air are two valued energy saving ingredients that the big corporations have not figured out how to privatize yet. I am sure they are working on it. Our affordable AIR insulation system may be more vulnerable to privatization and we should work to keep in the public domain. John, the true designer of the system, has been too busy working on his day job to do much about it. However, last night he did look at the numbers his dad, my friend, in Madison, crunched for us on our test. His preview is that we were more effective than we said we were on energy saving cost for the five-pane window inserts. Soon he and his dad will explain all this to me and I will write about it on this web domain. For now I am just happy to cut, eat and grow.
Time: 2.33pm Office Temp. 62, Sunroom Temp. Average 65 Outside Temps. 19, KWH 184.