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Today the temperature outside hit the mid forties. My wife and I took the opportunity to chop away some of the ice on the driveway. Because we did not plow and shovel the driveway adequately during one snowstorm, we have had a layer of frozen ice since then. One slip-up like this and you slide down the driveway the rest of the winter till it warms up. Tomorrow the weatherman says it is back to the cold, rain and snow. Waiting for winter to end is like waiting for your time in prison to end — the more you think about it, the longer the time is. Warm times will come one of these days. For now my gardening work needs to focus on the sunroom plants, adding more and growing what I have.

I got the crunching of the numbers for our first study of the energy saving effect of the sunroom five-pane window inserts. However, it will take me some time and discussion to figure out what the numbers mean. Math was never one of my strong points.

I was reading in the Sunday newspaper about how the USA has the largest number of persons imprisoned per population of any country in the world, including totalitarian regimes like China. One of every 100 Americans is imprisoned and for young black men it is one of nine. Most are in prison for nonviolent crimes, and leave in worse shape than they arrived in terms of being productive members of society. The detention center that was described in the newspaper article is downtown and for persons who have violated probation and parole. The worst part of this prison that houses 800 prisoners is that it has NO windows. No sun and light allowed in this prison.

In high school I wanted to study criminology, the prevention of crime. But I decided to enter the Society of Jesus, Jesuits, instead. It was a good choice for me but now I find my efforts retreating back to crime prevention. Someday soon I need to revise my Essay on Violence in Milwaukee. In my work on peace and justice issues and even my work with growing renewable, affordable food, I am struck by how violent a country we live in. Our food system does violence to food. This is why there is such a great connection between nonviolence and growing power and why this web domain is called the nonviolent worm.

If the weather is warm or cold, if it is dark or light inside or outside, we all need to work together to rid our lives and government of violence. When this happens the prisoners will be free and the hungry will be fed.

Time: 11:10 p.m., Office Temp.: 65, Sunroom Temp. Average: 60, Outside Temp.: 48, KWH: 111.00



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