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Back to the Basics

Every once and awhile I have noticed that this Diary of the Worm wanders off base. It was established to report on the home model of Growing Power, and through this focus connect to every day life. So once again it is time to get back to basics. Yesterday in Church someone asked me about what herbs would be best grown for centerpiece pots for an Archdiocese gathering of human concerns committees in April. After a little research, calling the production person at Growing Power, it seemed like something like Oregano or Parsley would be best. Because of the time limit and because most of my good enriched soil and compost is outside, she suggested I purchase some “starter mix” from the store to get the plants germinated and started. I happen to have some herb seeds so will start tomorrow planting the seeds in small plastic containers scattered around in the GP box in the sunroom in bare spots. The temperature in the sunroom these days is around 60, and with the growing lights above the GP box and some good tea all should be well. In a related project I can now start to prepare and grow some other plants in the sunroom. Stay tune for reports.

Another way I can get back to basics is by deepening the Glossary terms. Maybe one a day till I catch up. Also my friend John has come up with a way to make the electricity in the sunroom self-sufficient with inexpensive solar energy, but I think that plan will need to be put on the back burner for now. There is too much other GP stuff going on now.

One of them is the result of our DMZ garden meeting today. Dawn, Marna and I met today over a nice lunch and discussed what we need to do to get ready for our gardens, in our yards and in our communal lot. It is a lot and we need to start now to be ready by spring.

One tangent that I cannot not mention is that my grandson, Carson, called tonight to say that his three minute original story, “The mystery of the missing pizza”, won first prize tonight in the 4-H communication event in Shawano County. I have a written copy of the story I will put on the GrafKids web page tomorrow, and if there is a video of his story I will try to get that up also. I know I said I would keep the Diary of the Worm “back to the basics” but are not children constantly bringing us back to the basics?

Time: 11:27pm, Office Temp.: 64, Sunroom Temp. Average: 62, Outside Temp.: 36, KWH: 59.9



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