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Brett Knows the Cold Hard Facts

In today’s world in a lot of situations, except politics, persons are interested in ‘hard facts’, data they can measure. Federal educators are no longer interested in how many students know how to learn but are interested in test scores. We count the calories, carbohydrates, fat in food but care little if it is healthy or not. So in the spirit of facts and at the urging of my friend, John’s father, I decided to start collecting facts about the energy savings of the five-pane window system in the sunroom. Starting tonight at the bottom of each posting we will record the time, temperature in the office (the room next to sunroom), temperature in the sunroom (using the average of a number of gauges), the temperature outside, and the number of kilowatt hours on the meter attached to the small radiator heater. I will leave it up to Tegan, the wiki gnome, to learn how to build a web table for this information and up to my friend to show us how to interpret this information. I will just collect the facts.

I must admit that I have an ulterior motivation for doing these facts. I am sick and tired of this curse of cold and snow. In the past, I have learned that my curses are also my blessings. Looking at the cold and snow this way, I figure that we keep on experiencing the cold and snow to give me the opportunity to measure the effects of the AIR system in the sunroom. So in a way the sooner I do this measurement, the sooner we can get rid of this cold and snow. God, are you listening? “I am using this cold and snow to get the facts. So in a week or so please change the weather.”

So bring on the cold and snow. With the facts collected we can make it go away.

Time: 11:15pm, Office Temp.: 64, Sunroom Temp.: 54, Outside Temp.: 9, KWH: 1171



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