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This is the third or fourth interview in the “Diary of the Worm” with a worm. This worm is from the Growing Power Home Model Box in the sunroom, since the worms outside in the worm depository below the snow and ice are indisposed at present for an interview. In previous interviews the worm interviewed has said they have no individual identities or names.

Bob: Happy Valentine Day! Worm and I are glad you can join us… After all, this entire posting is called the “Diary of the Worm”.

Worm: Okay, lets get on with it; We like your newly insulated sunroom, but would rather get back in the ground in the box.

Bob: Speaking of the warm sunroom, what do you think of the new 5 pane-window inserts? We seem to have a hard time convincing people that pockets of AIR is an effective and affordable way to save energy.

Worm: As they say in England “Bob’s Your Uncle”, or in the USA “Be Happy, Don’t Worry.” People do not like to be told the obvious and to see that what they have is what they are looking for. As they say, “keep the faith” and keep saying repeatedly the obvious: “Air saves”. You, John and I know that to keep an unheated, three sides window/door sunroom at above 58 degrees in this cold and freezing weather with so little energy cost is revolutionary. Keep using examples like how it is the air between the hairs and not the hairs that keep goats and rabbits warm in the cold. Personally we worms, if we had desires, would probably like having some hair. But being worms we are happy where we are. By the way thanks for adding more wood chips and other carbon to the compost. Wood chips make for good air pockets in the soil and help keep the soil warm. We worms need also need air and heat from air to live and do our work.

Bob: I am very grateful that my livestock, worms, are such low maintenance. It allows me to spend time on other issues like the recent one a group of us are working on for Marquette To Be Faithful to the Gospel and No Longer Host Departments of Military Science. I know that you do not like to comment on political issues but what do you think about this campaign?

Worm: From our viewpoint in the ground you and the many others are doing the “right thing” by preserving the earth and all creatures that live on it and below it. I am sure you know that Iraq, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet, was one of the most fertile lands on the earth. The legendary Garden of Eden creation story was said to be in this area. Now it is a territory occupied by an outside military force, and the land and people have been laid waste by bombs, bullets and the killing of life. Marquette Administrators will never respond to the moral issues that are being raised about its support of the unjust war effort and to the teaching of values contrary to the ones they claim. What can they do? Confess to a “mortal sin” as Fathers John Dear S.J. and Salvadoran Jesuit Ignacio Ellacuria have called it. Just be persistent, humble (which I know is hard for you to do), open to others, do what you have got to do nonviolently and the truth will become clear and “all will be well.” Just like the air project, no movements are ever new, but the successful ones like civil rights, freedom in South Africa, independence in India movements take persistent nonviolent effort.

Bob: I can see you wiggling and wanting to go back underground. So thanks for the advice. I guess we all need to check the worm in us once and awhile.

Worm: You are welcome and remember we worms have been around much longer than you humans and have adapted to all kinds of new situations. You can do it.



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