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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke

This quote came across my computer screen today and, although I have heard it before, it really struck me. I am a big promoter of nothing when it means silence, accepting, being, and not reacting. But the nothing talked about in this quote does allow evil to triumph. It means, in my opinion, not wanting to know, or if you know about something that needs attention, doing nothing about it. Sometimes doing nothing is the most convenient and easy thing to do. It is hard to anyone upset at you when you do nothing. However, in a home model growing power garden as sometimes in life, nothing is not an option, but can be one of the fruits of the garden.

In some persons’ judgment, worms do nothing for a garden. It is the type of soil or fertilizer that matters. In a growing power home model garden, worms are an essential ingredient. Worms enable the gardener not to do as much work — more nothing — than a gardener could not using worms. The same could be said about building the growing power mounds in a garden. These mounds, which take a lot of compost, allow one to grow on practically any type of base, nothing good is needed.

I am sure Edmund Burke was talking about the same idea of “do nothing” that Marquette officials talk about when asked to demilitarize the university: they say “we just need to agree to disagree”, or in other words “do nothing.” My goal in life is to do nothing, and while I need to experience the nothingness of life I feel compelled to do a lot to reach that goal.



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