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Today we had the Super Bowl of football, Tuesday we have Super Tuesday in the presidential elections and today we start the three days of super party time, Mardi Gras. Throw in a few more super events, like the start of the Chinese New Year, year of the rat, and this has been a super week for some. I enjoyed some super events, like the super bowl football game tonight, but most super stuff for me is not something for me to get too excited about. But as I described in the posting of January 31st what excites me is things like getting the MUPeace petition signed or getting an appointment with Will Allen of Growing Power. I also enjoy a good paradox as I talked about in the posting of Feb. 1st. Paradoxes are easily found in the garden, in life, and in some Gospel readings, like the one on the Beatitudes (Matt: 5 1–12) at Church today. This value system presented by Jesus on the Sermon of the Mount is upside down, Blessed are the poor, hungry, rejected and so forth. But that is what makes it super, it calls for us to find in the ordinary things of life, like air or the worm, the extraordinary.

To see the extraordinary or super in the ordinary or regular events in life is a gift to be desired and prayed for. The garden with all its paradoxes is like the Beatitudes of Jesus. They can guide us where to look for the super in the regular. In the garden it is looking at the worm to fertilize soil or air to insulate. In the Gospel we learn to look to the poor, hungry, rejected to find our blessings.

Having eyes to see or ears to hear the ordinary in the extraordinary takes some work simplifying our life and ridding ourselves of all types of violence in what we eat, what we wear, what we say or what we drive. Living simple is the rub to this type of seeing and hearing. It is like being “awful” is required to become super. The undefeated team in the football Super Bowl lost to a team that had played awful at times this year. The Chinese New Year celebrates the year of the rat, a bad creature for most. The fertility of Garden can depend on the lowly worm. The poor are blessed. Jesus uses some ordinary fisherman to create an extraordinary movement of faith. So if you feel awful on Super Sunday, do not worry, have faith, move on, this may be your way to being Super.



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