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Growing Power Home Garden

This is part three of the Growing Power Gift - The Gift that Keeps on Giving article that was started a few weeks ago. In Part One you discovered the ingredients for Growing Soil. In Part Two you discovered the seeds and worm-enriched soil and organic fertilizer you need for a Growing Power home model garden. In Part 3 you will find components and advice to complete the gift that keeps on giving.

Seeds can germinated in the house, sunroom, outside in a greenhouse or right in the soil. Whatever way the seedlings are germinated, they need to be planted in mounds in the GP garden, in the GP box, or in a planter inside or outside in the same old, same old soil. The ingredients in each case are the same, thus the name given to it by Will Allen of Growing Power, “same old, same old.” The basic soil in which you plant the seeds, “same old, same old”, is a base of rough compost topped with worms with a mix of castings and coir (coconut shavings) on top.

With this worm-enriched soil, light, water and castings tea, you are ready to grow. Now all you need is the toil and time to make the garden, inside or out, grow. Below are resources that you can give as part of the Gift. Some are free, some cost money, and some cost work.

A major resource is the world headquarters of Growing Power at 55th and Silver Spring in Milwaukee. Growing Power runs weekend workshops on this method of growing. They are hands-on and an excellent way to learn. (Also the organic food they serve for meals is delicious.)

Of course there are my pages Diary Of a Worm, GRAF Growing Renewable Affordable Food, the Glossary (soon to be expanded) and more. On these pages you can find information about worm depository, rain barrels and much more.

Soon there will be DMZ garden mini-site, about the efforts of Dawn, Marna and myself to grow affordable, renewal food (GRAF) in the central city. To join us in this cooperative effort just contact us at DMZ@nonviolentworm.com.

On the Milwaukee Renaissance Growing Power Home Page and the Green Weekly Updates you will find a wealth of information.

A good resource is James Godsil, ( godsil@milwaukeerenaissance.com ), co-founder of Milwaukee Renaissance and board member of Growing Power, Inc. He has his own urban farm in his backyard in Bay View. Godsil is a ‘peddler’ and can lead you to many other persons and resources who can be of service to you.

Here are three persons that were significant to my GP home model garden, inside and out:

  • Andor ( andor@pitnet.net ), a creative carpenter who built The Plant Stand and The Vertical Grower that you can find in the System Components.
  • John ( John@nonviolentworm.org ), who built the five-pane windows to turn my unheated sunroom into a Green House. Once this energy saving method is tested there will be more on the GRAF pages about it.
  • Loren, ( Loren@nonviolentworm.org ), who built the Growing Power box in my sunroom and the worm condo outside.

Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention the person who made this and many other growing power wiki web pages possible, Tegan Dowling of Emergency Digital.

I will add this posting tomorrow to the Growing Power Gift page. In the coming days before Christmas, I hope to add to and improve on that page. You late Christmas shoppers still have plenty of time to give the Gift That Keeps on Giving.



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